So this is where we are, next week we are all bringing in content to put into the interface that steve has created. This means footage or stills. Also to start thinking and/or creating little images that we can use for a motion tracking, for example fish that move and swim away when someone walks over the projection etc... Lets start making some little examples and ideas of what simple content can be used here. Also thinking about images that can add depth and perspective into the space - Main point, stay simple but playful and spectacular!
To do's:
We should start thinking about dividing the group in specific areas of interest and use for the project, examples:
- Interface
- Space
- Content
- Research
- Funding
- Communication
- Technical/projectors/sensors
In no way does this limit anyones input in other areas, but it gives areas of focus and lets us know that somone is definely working on each part, so nothing is neglected. Start thinking!!
Sponsors Research, we need to look into funding from different areas. e.g.:
- Creative Lynx
- Council/Arts
- Panasonic/sony - any company that makes projectors.
- Please add to the list and notify us of any developments or inquiries you have made.
Keep thinking about the outside in the back of your minds and also remember we can project on the stairs, lifts, ceiling, floor anywhere. And also there is the idea of signage for the lift and stairs, what quirky interfaces or graphics can we produce!! Think think think and then share share share!!
Peace, love, create and stay in touch!