This looks quite interesting, if I can make it to London in the next month (doubtful), would like to go:
Responsive Ecologies
by CaptinCaptin and Parag K Mital
6 December - 21 January 2011
A new interactive installation by captincaptin and Parag K Mital, Responsive Ecologies explores notions of captivity, collective behaviour and human-nature social relations. The forms of interaction within the work take inspiration from the study of ecology (the relations of organisms, and their interactions with the environment) and reflect upon the possible implications of our actions and activities on the sustainability of future ecologies. As each individual visitor has the capability to expand or constrain the experiences of others, a coordinated approach is required in order to see the installation in its completed form.Responsive Ecologies is a multi-screened enclosed projection in which a collection of videos are deconstructed and interlaced in response to audience interaction within the space. This installaion was produced through captincaptin's ongoing collaboration with ZSL London Zoo and Musion Academy, and includes other works created through this partnership.