Thursday, January 20, 2011

a bit of hack_CARNIVORE


"Disobedience to authority is one of the most natural and healthy acts."
 -Empire, Hardt & Negri

CarnivorePE is inspired by DCS1000, a piece of software used by the FBI to perform electronic wiretaps. (Until recently, DCS1000 was known by its nickname "Carnivore.") Improving on the FBI software, CarnivorePE features new functionality including: artist-made diagnosic clients, remote access, full subject targetting, full data targetting, volume buffering, transport protocol filtering, and an open source software license. Carnivore is created by RSG.
It' s quiet interesting cause with system we can "read" the users actions in the internet. I mean you can track an ip address and any time that address is being visited the software is gonna let you know, SO with that information, loads of things can be done ( in an artistic way).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

madlab next week

MadLab, United Kingdom
Kinokophonography 02
20 January | 7pm – 9pm | Kinokophonography is an evening of sharing sound recordings, exploring the experience of listening and discussing what these recordings and the process of making them can bring to life | Hosted by MadLab. 36-40 Edge St. M4 1HN

RSVP on eventbrite if you would like to attend or play a recording. If you would like to play a recording, please send the following details: track, title, length and location of where the recording was made. Please note stereo speakers will be available for the event. Each event will include the playing of recordings that have been especially gathered for Kinokophonography by kinokophonographers (ie, you!). These recordings will be based upon a theme decided upon collectively at Kinokophonography. Check the website for further details on how to contact them to submit work:

Iphone movie

 Compared with other movie cameras, the phone was good, he said, "because it is light and small and because anyone can use it".

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

update to 'motion tracking is officially commercial'

The Microsoft Kinect was hacked rather quickly it seems, and ladyada have put up a site guide here, if anybody feels up to it!

Friday, January 7, 2011

 recent Guardian article:
The mother of a woman who told 1,048 Facebook friends that she had taken a fatal overdose has questioned why none of them sought help until it was too late.

Back's friend Samantha Pia Owen said: "Everyone just carried on arguing with each other on Facebook … Some of those people lived within walking distance of Simone. If one person just left their computer and went to her house, her life could have been saved. These so-called friends are a waste of air. If someone has got problems you don't go around adding to them, you don't start attacking people who are already vulnerable …

encrypted video