Friday, February 5, 2010

Introduction to openframeworks - for motion tracking

Hopefully people will find this a useful introduction to openframeworks - for motion tracking. I know nothing about programming but there should be plenty of help for beginners out there.

made with openFrameworks from openFrameworks on Vimeo.

Jeff Han's work is useful also- he's collaborated with artists for ars electronica etc. Particularly liked the Media mirror
Ade - that vid you posted of projector callibrating was amazing! Noticed the date was 2004 - wonder if it's been developed yet? Maybe it's because it's in the process of being marketed by microsoft or someone..

P.s. DIVSHARE is a website where you can upload Audio, Video, and also Documents. You can then embed it on another website (see post below for audio) or post a link so people can download the file. Very useful if e.g someone has a tutorial file or video + wants others to access [privately or publicly]. It can then be archived on this blog..... share the knowledge?!

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