Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Get your work out there!

Hi guys,

My placement passed this on to me. Unfortunately full time students can't enter!! Not fair! But part time CAN! It looks like an amazing opportunity so I thought I'd share it with you!

Call for art work at the Site Gallery

The Site Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Sheffield city centre. They are putting out a call for submission of art work, including visual art, curating and creative writing. More details here:


Soph x

Monday, March 29, 2010


This is just calling out for an arts project. Re: technology defining everything. I
would love to mess with this. Is there a similar iphone app? Could be quite creative.
E.g. change the rules so that everything in the world you look at has a completely
abstract name:
CUP = 'a sudden sense of bereavement', GLOVE = 'warm
happiness', SINK = 'toilet', etc etc. [Lol]

Monday, March 22, 2010

technical art = translating data (?)

ah so they needed a visual objective graph to show them it was bad, instead of someone saying that a certain part of town was bad, who could have just made it up. (Although the way they represent it is also making it up, coz its translated by their standards) Good point coz the art is raising awareness.. Although even if they had different agendas there would probably still be this 'analysing stuff' theme in there.

I don't want that to be a 'is it art?' question, because that never gets anywhere! It's just noticing this is a bit of a trend, and asking why? Does techno-art need to be statistical at the moment? Fine if the piece you mentioned, the artists were doing a project on crime and people's perception of it, for example. But the packet garden had much to say what it did, but not WHY and things like this go unspoken just because 'it's technical therefore it has to analyse stuff'.

I'm not 'dissing' that sort of thing, coz reinterpreting is good etc.. But the worst thing is for someone to make something like that automatically - Sometimes it seems like it's an automatic thought - technical art = translating data.

re re packet garden

the question is does the visualization of the data give us any more meaning?

there was a piece in corner house a couple of years ago that used crime statistics (old school data)
to create a land form or contour map (more crime higher the land mass).
it visuall gave you a representation of where the city was BAD as oppsoed to saying such and such street was a high crime spot you could see the areas on the map. Sim city does the same thing with crime and fire coverage, overlaying visualy data from another source.
Is it art? who knows, are they just pretty pictures? maybe it's just a form of abstract representation.

back to you Sid

Sunday, March 21, 2010

re packet garden

this seems to be a common thing I think? Translating of information, or visualizing it somehow. Why is this important in art? Like the artwork mentioned before of making islands based on a person's gps movement - why this translating of information into another form? Does it do anything?

E.g. if I translate a sentence from english to french I could make the sentence look different - but does this improve my understanding of the meaning of that sentence? I could translate ANYthing into ANY picture (using my own made-up rules) - what happens? Just a pretty picture or a better understanding?
You could say that by re-interpreting it you are gaining a better understanding, through new eyes, looking at another angle. A spikey tree-graph of the internet gives you a wider view of it.

But then again - do our brains need visualization? - do I need a visualization of the route of my journey so that I can walk it? Or do I just do it? Does this kind of stuff have false meaning and just looks pretty or does it genuinely bring about new understanding? And do we need that much of this kind of thing? I dunno - anyone?

Friday, March 19, 2010

re re re long exposures.

Ade, can't see that he would be able to use digital for his work due to the noise. Interesting work tho. I'm supprised no one has developed a chilled sensor so noise (built up sensor heat) is no longer a problem.

re your experiments I have heard of people getting round noise by layering images that are say ten seconds long and taken one after the other for however long. once the images are overlayed with high opacity, the noise becomes blurred but the image remains sharp, if you see what i mean.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Story..

from 'The Great Sea Serpent', by Hans Christian Anderson

re re long exposures

Hi Johnathan Sophie, yes it's interesting stuff. It was recomended to be by a snapper called Dan Houldsworth who also uses long exposures. He thought that some of the images were in to years in length!! We had a conversation about the limitations of digital as Dan was thinking about moving from 5x4 but that the medium format digital wouldn't allow for the length of time that he needs.
I have used long ex on digital from 30secs up to 20 mins and you get alot of noise on the image. So I ended up using time lapse and then tought about layering the images that way, not sure where it's going appart from putting large amouts of time into an image.

anyway it's all food for thought!


Monday, March 15, 2010

re long exposures

amazing stuff, i think the technique would be weeks of exposure and the fixing the film only, ie no development. ive tried simular thing with paper negatives - you can do 6 month exposures that way.

thats what the white lines are in the background....sun streaking across the sky, one line is one day.

good job you got geeks like me here hey!

My blog

Hey all,

Please check out my blog!!


and follow it if you wish!

Thanks for the link below Ade, I can't comment for some reason! But thanks, very interesting stuff!!!


Long exposures for the Photographers

Last thursday I mentioned a photographer who uses very long exposures, to Irena and Sophie.
His Name is Michael Wesely and the project was open shutter, his website appears now to be devoid of images but google will provide you with a selection, just search his name.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A project proposal..

I've had a (very technical) project idea in my head for a while + would like to know if anyone is interested in pursuing it with me? I've mentioned it before 2 ppl but don't have a laptop so can't show u how it looks.

The video below is me using sawcutter (a v cool synthesizer). If you see in the top right hand corner, the controller changes the sound in real time. As this has a midi interface I think you could use this via motion tracking - whereby the movements of somebody in a room changes the sound. I've seen someone use this with a theramin (see earlier post). Spatial - audio perception has been done many times before, but it has scope for invention.

You don't have to use this program. Below, I've used the graphical interface for a sketch of the installation. The circle is the person in the room. Basically, the idea is that high tones correspond to space, and low tones correspond to objects. Imagine a large object in the centre, that you are getting nearer and farther away from. All you need here is two audio files playing, and the motion sensor being translated to change the volume of each. Relatively fairly simple.

Any offers - send me an email!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sid i really liked those videos. It a different angle that you have approached this from. I like it. I wanna go put some stuff in a bowl of water. :) by the way, you were trollyed last night!

Analogue / digital

I've made some videos inspired by what's been shown so far for the Analogue/Digital show. Could also be for internet/Bradford project? Please watch!

P.S. I've done another [that isn't uploaded] with the word 'internet'