Friday, October 29, 2010


In it’s first year as part of the MMU Art and Design School the Medialab  has been visited by a long list of creative practitioners who have shown their work and discussed their working practice. Collectively, the discussions provide insight into the diverse methodologies currently being applied within the field.
This year we intend to record the discussions in order to produce a book.
What kind of questions would you like to ask that might help you in your practice? Have  a look at the ones listed below and feel free to make suggestions or amendments. Especially interested in ideas for Film / Photography practitioners (and those who work between / across media) as these aimed are more to Media Arts.  [They are also good questions to try and answer yourself.] 
By the way, this is not a plan to structure the talks in a very formal way – these are questions that could be asked at the end of the artist’s talk is they have not already been discussed.

Do you use the term ‘media art’ to describe your work? Any thoughts on how this term defines practice?
How would you describe your methodology?
Which artists’ work have particularly influenced your practice or inspired you?
How does technology figure within your practice both practically and philosophically?
What experience have you had of collaboration?
Has failure helped you to learn?
At what point in your process do you consider an audience?


Sid Volter said...

I'd be interested in a question something along the lines of: 'what is your relationship to galleries' / do they successfully represent media arts //
do you think this model is changing ie public space interactive artworks,

And something about changing approaches ie less funding now = more reliance on internet networks, how they see things changing in future.

toysareme said...

I have thought about those ones...

Can you name us events, galleries, institutions that support media art?

Can you think of other artists (using technology or not) that we should add to our 'interview candidates' list?

Any upcoming project you could share with us?

What are the "new" materials and technologies that you find most exciting and with which you'd like to work if money was no obstacle?

What are the spaces you like most; closed exhibition spaces or do you prefer welcoming the challenge of installing your work in spaces you have less control over its surrounding?

What have you learnt from the way people interact with your works?

If you have studied Fine Arts or a New Media degree what are the things you would change in terms of education in order to improve the become of an artist in the new media field?

Katy said...

These are brilliant, thanks.

This makes me think maybe we should compile a list of galleries that show Media art both here and abroad (for when we get rich or have travel bursaries :) ) I'll start a new post!