Monday 26 July 2010 Responding to today's announcement by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport of plans to abolish the UK Film Council, Tim Bevan CBE, Chairman of the UK Film Council, said:
"Abolishing the most successful film support organisation the UK has ever had is a bad decision, imposed without any consultation or evaluation. People will rightly look back on today's announcement and say it was a big mistake, driven by short-term thinking and political expediency. British film, which is one of the UK's more successful growth industries, deserves better.
Museums, Libraries and Archives (MLA) to be abolished:
Responding to the government's announcement that the MLA is to be wound up by April 2012, Chair Sir Andrew Motion and Chief Executive Roy Clare pledge a smooth and orderly transition to deliver the best possible future for museums, libraries and archives across England and for the people and communities who expect to use them.
In a joint statement, Sir Andrew Motion and Roy Clare say: "Stormy seas call for cool heads and steady hands. The team in the MLA have worked tirelessly and with commendable commitment to develop the capacity of the organisation since 2007. Now, faced with an unforeseen degree of economic pressure, government has chosen to balance the books and to prioritise the rationalisation of its existing cultural agencies as a contribution."
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