Wednesday, October 21, 2009

52: Media Artists

Hello one and all,

Ive been doing some reasearch into artists that work with sensors and projections and i stumbled acrossed these two british artists called KMA. Heres a link to one of their pieces in Liverpool. They were actually "Abandom normal devices" festival that i think andrea said is comming to manchester nezt year. Take a look, very hi-tech, but beautiful.

By the way me and Spyros are meeting in the Media Lab at 2 today to braintstorm, come along if you can find the time.



Mat.the.w said...

by the way sid, that Rule of Thirds in Ulverston is linked to the Abandon normal devices festival..

Anonymous said...

this might be an interesting site to surf into, it is this advertising company AllofUs,
"a new kind of design consultancy formed to help organisations exploit new and emerging
opportunities with technology. We are driven to find new and creative applications for interactive

Sid Volter said...

Thanks mat, yeah theyr really cool. I actually helped out curating the kma thing in Liverpool, and got on the AND mailing list, which is how I heard of the talk. The video of that show is here:
It was nice because we all held hand together in a circle, complete strangers. Not often that happens.
They’re also coming here to York this weekend, although I won’t be around 